Join us for a truly life-changing event where we will spend 2 days in an immersive online retreat into the Christed Self.
The Hieros Gamos online retreat is a trauma healing process that will help you to realise your true, Christed self.
This powerful process provides a sacred space for you to heal your inner child and discover your highest potential.
The process of Hieros Gamos is based on the ancient mystery school teachings of Mother – Father God in Divine Union. It is a journey of self-discovery that will help you to access your own divine power, wisdom and inner balance.
This transformational process has already helped hundreds of people to heal their lives and reach their full potential. Now it is time for you to discover the power of your pure potential and the Divine Union within, as we walk the timeline of Divine Love of the New Earth.
What you can expect on this 2 day retreat immersion.
- Full integration, healing and completion of the fragmented inner child. This may have happened through early life trauma and is now available for accelerated healing and integration through the Divine Mother essence.
- Receiving the Unique Sound Codes of the Divine Mother to restore your original God-Self Template.
- The resurrection of your body from the death principle to eternal life principle through the Divine Sovereign Decree which helps to free the soul, blood, bones and organic tissue from intergenerational blood covenants and contracts.
- The spinal realignment of the C7 vertebra to accommodate the New Earth energy streams.
- The Emerald Crown of Albion and your Royal Seal and scroll of the New Earth.
- The 144 Sonic Colour Codes of the New Earth Primary colour spectrum template.
- New Earth High White Magic Consciousness.
- White Flame Initiation into Creator/Creatrix 7D Consciousness.
- Transformation from base 10 mathematics to base 12 Tree of Life Octahedron.
- Re-Genesis Codes of Isis for the New Earth Diamond Sun Template of Christ and Christos Consciousness.
and much, much more.
This retreat is for everyone whether in Heirogamic Union in the physical or not yet re-united with their Divine Counterparts. It is open to all genders and you will be held in a deeply safe and compassionate space whilst these massive upgrades and downloads transpire.
Your Hosts are John and Stellar who are in a Hierogamic Earthly Union and are Universal Ascension specialists and Universal Gatekeepers.
Expect massive change and a complete shift in consciousness and physiology after this event and make sure you have time to rest and integrate afterwards.
The retreat will be held over a 2 day period weekend retreat. Expect 3-4 hours on zoom on the Saturday and 4 hours on the Sunday in full facilitation.
Please enrol via
There will be plenty of breaks and rests, meditations, live sound activations and emanations and cosmic quantum journey’s in order to facilitate this level of work swiftly and completely.
If you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.
In loving service to the next level,
Love John & Stellar.
Financial gift energy exchange £555.00
What others are saying about this weekend immersion retreat: